Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Fun at work - Meetings

  Meetings are good for lots of things, you know... "coming to Jesus", "exploring the back of the woodshed" and "handing out asses to people" are all popular and good choices, but just to spice it up a bit, how about trying a little fun?

Some of you may be wondering (but afraid to raise your hand), what is this "fun" thing that you speak of?

Meetings are a great place for lots of fun activities; got a white board? Try Pictionary. Got a table? Try Trivial Pursuit. Got a projector? Watch Office Space or even better, hook up a Wii and have a bowling tournament or really unleash some pent up frustration with boxing matches, watch out now!

Want to go even crazier? Karaoke! You'll have to check your local laws as it may be illegal to karaoke while sober, but talk about a different kind of meeting! 

Or you could just keep on with the yelling, as that has probably worked well so far.